Sculptures In times of ecological crisis, we started increasingly question the legitimacy of all creative activities that contribute to the galloping production of things. Is creative fulfilment based only on what is already available possible? Such doubts became the starting point for creating recycled mosaics. The inspiration came from the ornamentation of the Polish People's Republic. The architecture of this period is famous for its decorative details, such as mosaics, reliefs or sgrafitto. The involvement into a skate movement called Szaber Bowl, that built the local skate spot at the unfinished construction located in the city centre of Warsaw was a turning point into the perception of reusing materials. Ideas related to caring for the environment and prudent design while respecting the nature of the place perfectly matched the character of this completely bottom-up initiative, which is why the decision to use the waste from stone factories was naturally associated with the whole process. The personal input in the do-it-yourself space was a creation of the mosaic along the main entrance. Following works were done are located in an office lobby and an entrance hall of a private estate. Stones are provided by local stonemasons and he composition always depends on the available stones, their types and colors. Oftentimes during work there are inaccuracies in quantitative estimates, this is when an improvisation begins. Creating based on available materials means that the final product can differ significantly from the initial sketches.