Critical project, audio-visual installation Sandberg Instituut’s Studio for Immediate Spaces spent a week in close contact with the collection and the spaces of Het Nieuwe Instituut. Working collaboratively, the participants identified key documents from the drawings, photographs and models belonging to the archives of Dutch architects and urban planners. They considered how things appear, how they are stored, who collected them and why they were kept and deposited. Finally, they mobilized the documents, giving thought and shape to what they wanted the documents to do differently. The result is an exhibition as a critical documentary, exposing modes of operating on the documents: copying, enlarging, folding, displacing, recontextualizing, deleting, editing, reclassifying, translating, hiding. Within self-imposed constraints, the production was kept to a bare minimum: two walls, one printer, one sound system, one tape roll. Four groups storyboarded strategies for a potentially cinematic space, articulated in four chapters, each linking back to a set of documents from the institute’s collection. Using the archive is not a neutral but a creative act with an aesthetic intention, an audience and a purpose. The exhibition is the means to select, present and create new adjacencies, allowing for new types of knowledge circulation. Impossible interview with the Sonnevelds Audio-visual installation in collaboration with Emilie Bordes and Matteo Viviano. In this installation, the main figures of the Sonneveld family, Gesine and Albertus, are imagined sharing anecdotes about each other in relation to two objects chosen from the archive of Hew Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam (NL).These impossible interviews question the limits of the cataloging strictly divided ownership of two objects that for decades have shared the same living environment. Sound system by SIS 2017 Workshop led by Paolo Patelli Participants: Pam Virada, Emilie Bordes, Jon González De Matauko, Johan Devigo, Natasha Linde Krebs, Luis Lecea, Ella Mathys, Stefan Meyer, Stefania Rigoni, Matteo Viviano, Aleksandra Zawistowska, Mayomi Basnayaka, Marcelo Javier Acevedo Pardo, Elena Braida, Jonathan Steiger, Ilya Lindhout, Gina Crighton, Oscar van Leest, Paulina Martínez Marín, Koenraad Wiering, Carla Veltman, Ines Lobo Nieuwenhuys.